Spring 2024 Seminars
All of the seminars listed below will be held from 12:40-1:40pm on the date listed. All seminars will be in person in BioScience 1007 unless otherwise specified.
Seminar Schedule
3/1: Dr. Dana Moseley, Department of Biology, JMU
3/22: Biology graduate student proposals
3/29: Biology graduate student proposals
4/5: Dr. Justin Shaffer, Fryrear Chair and Teaching Professor, Colorado School of Mines [zoom seminar]. Title: Impacts of high structure course design on student learning and success
4/12: Dr. Maria Kavanaugh, Oregon State University
4/19: Dr. Alex Capaldi, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, James Madison University. Title: Agent-Based Model Predicts Rapid Evolution of Prehistoric Dogs from Wolves by Natural and Sexual Selection
4/26: Biosymposium