Year Started at JMU: 2016
Contact Info
Research Description
My scientific interest focuses on comparative anatomy and physiology, particularly reproductive physiology. Previous research includes using in vitro incubation models to try and characterize factor(s) that lead to maternal recognition of pregnancy in horses. Main scholarly interest is the pedagogy and research regarding science education. The specific ideas I have focused on are pedagogy relating to improving student engagement and success through learner-centered teaching, investigating alternative models for classroom and laboratory instruction, and evidence-based teaching.
- PhD (ABD) in Animal Physiology, 2006, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
- MS in Animal Science, 2002, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- BS in Animal Science, 2000, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Select Publications
- Vanderwall DK, Marquardt JL, Woods GL. Use of a Compounded Long-Acting Progesterone Formulation for Equine Pregnancy Maintenance. J Eq Vet Sci; February 2007: 62-66.
- Marquardt JL, Vanderwall DK, Woods GL. Effect of Co-Incubation of Day-14 Equine Conceptus and Endometrial Tissues on Oxytocin-Induced Secretion of Endometrial Prostaglandin F2α. In: Proc. Havemeyer Foundation Workshop: Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy in the Mare III. 2004; pp 13.