Living on campus sets you up well.

From living and studying with international students her first year to eventually interning in New Zealand through JMU’s Center for Global Engagement, N’Deye Sock says she has no doubt that living on campus got her amazing JMU journey off to the right start. Real friends. Foundational skills. Convenience. Memories to last a lifetime. Says Sock, living on campus really is the best.


N'Deye Sock - Class of 2025

Major: Communication Studies; Media Arts and Design

Concentrations: Organizational Communication; Creative Advertising

Hometown: Ashburn, Virginia

High School: Rock Ridge High

Highlights: JMU Centennial Scholar; Madison International Residential Learning Community participant; interned in New Zealand through JMU’s Center for Global Engagement; lists Communication and Gender with Dr. Melissa Alemán and also Introduction to Media Arts and Design as favorite classes so far.

Q&A With N'Deye

What is Madison International?

Madison International is an international residential learning community that's based in Paul Jennings Hall. We got to live with and learn with international students and people interested in learning more about different cultures. It lasts your entire first year. It teaches you about dialogue and being open-minded and being respectful of other cultures.

That sounds like a great start to college.

Being part of Madison International helped me with being able to navigate difficult conversations in college. It taught me the foundational skills that I think will be helpful through the rest of my life.

Were there classes connected with it as well?

We had classes just right on the first floor of Paul Jennings. It was really great. We had a lot of really fun bonding activities that we did, too. It helped me make some real friends at JMU.

After Paul Jennings, where did you go next?

I lived in Paul Jennings for two years, and then I moved to the Apartments at Grace Street this year. I chose Grace Street because I don't have a car, so it's just easier for me to live on campus. And you can take city buses everywhere or even walk to classes.

How is the food on campus?

It’s really good. I have a seven-punch meal plan because I love to cook, so that’s been perfect because I just eat lunch out, and then I make breakfast at home and eat dinner at home. And I just cook once a week, and I still have time to still do whatever I need to do.

You’ve had kitchen access for your whole JMU?

There is a kitchen at Paul Jennings and in most dorms, and at Grace Street you have your own kitchen. It’s an apartment-style dorm. There are two dorm rooms, a living room and then you have your own kitchen, and it's just for you and your three other roommates.

So if you don't have a car, how do you get your groceries?

You can take the shopper bus. The shopper bus is really helpful. Another thing I did, if you live near Paul Jennings, for example, it's like a 15-minute walk to Walmart, so you can just walk and get your groceries.

Sounds as if living on campus has worked for you.

It's been really convenient. It's very nice and this campus is gorgeous. There's nothing not to love about it.


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