Accessing the electronic Research Administration (eRA) Software System

To submit a protocol go to:

Training manuals are available here (requires JMU eID to access).

Interested in training? We offer individual and group sessions. Please contact

Important Dates and Deadlines

IRB Protocol Submission Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2024 (to be on the September 10, 2024 meeting agenda)
Please note: The submission deadline is only for those studies requiring Full Board review. Exempt and Expedited studies are accepted on a rolling basis. 

IACUC Protocol Submission Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2024 (to be on the next meeting agenda, data TBA)
Please note: The submission deadline is only for those studies requiring Full Committee review.

IBC Meeting: TBA

Allowable Costs to Improve Human Subjects Participation and Inclusion

Did you know that you can pay for childcare for your research participants while they are doing study activities? Find similar ideas to enhance your inclusion, recruitment, or retention of research participants in NIH’s new one-page tool: Allowable Costs Related to Participant Inclusion Activities on NIH Grants. The tool provides categorized examples of inclusion activities that typical NIH recipients could charge to their grants as allowable costs.

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