
The Office of Research Development assists the entire JMU community in finding and applying for grants and other forms of external funding.  We provide strategic support to members of all university divisions, enabling high-quality innovative projects and research.  This enables researchers to engage with real-world problems and build partnerships with local, regional, and global communities.

The Office of Research Development can construct timelines and checklists for specific grants, and we also offer limited personalized meetings on pre-proposal and proposal development.  These services are available through the consultation form below.  We assist with finding funding for basic research, pedagogy, creative works, and more. 

We organize grant-writing workshops, trainings, and institutes, and we also assist with convergence team building for multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary grants. The Office of Research Development also fosters partner relationships with external funding agencies and interacts with local, regional, state, national, and international public and private granting agencies on behalf of the JMU community.

Find out what the Office of Research Development can do for you!


The JMU Office of Research Development (ORD) strategically supports efforts by JMU constituents related to pursuing external funding. ORD provides external funding opportunity support at the college, program and individual level including access to research development resources and expertise, learning programs, strategic research alliances, dissemination of funding agency opportunities, and fostering of partner relationships with JMU research communities.

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