The Office of Research Development hosts workshops and trainings to support the JMU research community. 

To request a workshop for your college or unit, please contact us at  We develop specialized offerings for colleges, schools, and departments based around particular funders, grants, or grant components.  

Spring 2025 Workshops and Trainings

Join us for a two-day NIH grant writing intensive, facilitated by Dr. William Riley. Dr. Riley is a JMU alumnus who retired after 17 years of service with the NIH, including 7 years as Associate Director for Behavioral and Social Science Research.

During this two-day intensive, participants will complete at least the Research Plan section of their grant. Dr. Riley will meet individually with participants on each day and will be available to read draft material and discuss. OSP budget specialists will be on hand to assist, and there will be presentations from the IRB and IACUC.

Furthermore, Dr. Riley is requesting that participants send him a draft of their specific aims one week before the start of the intensive; he will provide written feedback on it at the start of the intensive.

Dates: January 13th-14th
Times: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.  Lunch and coffee will be provided.
Location: Lakeview Hall 1109 (9-10:15 on the 13th) and 1104 (otherwise)

Please register in advance.  For assistance in finding an NIH grant, consider using the NIH Matchmaker tool or contacting the Office of Research Development, either via our service request form or email.

Are you an early career researcher in the sciences or social sciences thinking about applying for an NSF CAREER award?  The Office of Research Development is convening a working group to meet throughout the spring semester. 

Why should you participate?

  • Presentations from campus NSF experts, including previous CAREER awardees.
  • Dedicated time to write your proposal.
  • Guidance about NSF-specific resources.
  • Feedback on your proposal, from your peers and from the Office of Research Development.
  • Have fun and make connections with your fellow researchers!

Registration is not required, but would be appreciated to assist with planning.  Register here if you are able.

Meeting Schedule: (attend as you are able)

  • January 24th, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Introduction to NSF CAREER & Related Programs
    • 2:00 - 3:00 pm: NSF Application Structure & Evaluation Procedures
      Expert: Dr. Mindy Capaldi
  • February 7th, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: NSF Project Description: The Research Project
      Expert: Dr. Ravi Shankar
  • February 21st, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: NSF Project Description: Educational Activities
      Expert: Dr. Zareen Aga, CAREER awardee
  • March 7th, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: NSF Project Description: Broader Impacts
      Expert: Dr. Steve Whitmeyer
    • 2:00 - 3:00 pm: Hands-on with the ARIS BI Wizard and Toolkit
      Expert: Office of Research Development
  • Spring break: Dedicated writing sessions (TBD)
  • March 28th, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Budget
      Expert: Office of Sponsored Programs
  • April 18th, EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Data Management Plans & DMPTool
      Expert: Samantha Harmon, JMU Libraries
  • May 2nd: EnGeo 1207:
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Hands-on with ScienCV
      Expert: Office of Research Development
  • May 19th - June 13th: Dedicated writing sessions (TBD)

Writing Timelines:

  • Submit your project summary by March 21st, receive feedback by April 4th
  • Submit your project description by June 13th, receive feedback by June 30th
  • Submit full proposal draft by July 1st, receive ORD formatting check by July 11th


The Office of Research Development has contacted external consultants to offer a grant-writing intensive for the arts and related fields, primarily focused on NEA and NEH funding opportunities.  Look for updates soon!

The Office of Research Development is planning a week-long NIH grant-writing intensive with Dr. William Riley in May.  Participants should expect to finish a complete draft of their grant.  Details will be coming soon.

Recordings of Previous Workshops

We have offered this workshop multiple times with slightly different emphases.  The majority of the content is applicable to all fields of research.  This recording was for the School of Art, Design, and Art History and has some information specific to NEA & NEH funding opportunities.




Past Workshops and Trainings

A sequence of workshops for members of JMU's School of Art, Design, and Art History.

  • August 23, 10-11 am:
    • The Arts & Related Fields Funding Landscape
    • Hands-on Experience using the SPIN Database
  • August 30, 10-11 am: Pre-Proposals and Program Officers
  • September 20, 10:30-11:30 am: The JMU Grant Application Process
  • September 27, 10-11 am: Pre-Proposal Peer Evaluation Exercise

Selected participants will be invited to work with the Office of Research Development to produce full proposals.  Contact for location and other information.


The Office of Research Development and the College of Arts and Letters are partnering to host multiple events this fall.

Reading Group: Participants will be reading and discussing "The Grant Writing Guide" by Betty S. Lai.  Scheduled discussions are:

  • Developing an Idea and Finding Funding: October 8, 3:00-4:30, Harrison 1131
  • Drafting a Pre-Proposal: October 29, 3:00-4:30, Harrison 1131

Hands On Searching with the SPIN Database: November 1, 1:00-2:00, Wilson Hall 3040.

NatPoWriMo: For National Proposal Writing Month, we will host two proposal writing sessions:

  • November 12, 3:00-4:30, Harrison 1131
  • November 19, 3:00-4:30, Harrison 1131

Finally, there will be a pre-proposal peer evaluation exercise and proposal revision time on December 3, 3:00-4:30, Harrison 1131.


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