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Securing funding is an essential component of research. Various methods exist for seeking funding, each varying in speed and associated costs, whether in time or finances. Presented here is a select list of platforms to explore for funding opportunities. Should you be aware of other methods not mentioned here, kindly forward them to

SPIN Database

Research & Scholarship at James Madison University has purchased a subscription to SPIN by InfoEd Global. This subscription provides JMU faculty, staff and students with access to a comprehensive repository to search current funding opportunities.

  • Go to
  • Click on SPIN link in the top right corner.
  • If on campus, click on sign in link at top of the page (off campus will place you directly
    at the sign in page).
  • Select Need to Create a New Profile at the bottom of the page.
  • Populate and click Save.
  • Admin will now receive an e-mail and will log in and either Approve or Disapprove profile request .
  • If approved, investigator will receive an e-mail with a link to set their unique password.
  • Once completed user will be able to sign in and access functionality such as Saving Searches and activating SMARTS notifications.
Other Funding Sources

Consider subscribing to direct emails from your preferred sponsor agency or organization. This cost-free approach can provide valuable insights into their programs and evolving funding patterns over time.

Here are some other options for you to consider above and beyond your sponsor of interest. All provided links are alphabetical order.

Government aggregator platforms:

  • includes solicitations and a lot more, including requests for information (RFI). See why RFI’s are important on this blog: This platform is again, free, but may provide you more information than you need.
  • collects most (if not all) of active (or predicted) funding opportunities from US grant-making agencies. The site has a robust (compared to previous iterations) search function, with a lot of additional resources when you decide to pursue a grant.
  • is collects a variety of contracts available through US federal agencies. The award mechanism is different here, which means you need to know the difference between grants and contracts before using. However, there may be overlap between postings here and on

Subscription platforms:

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