To book a room on campus, organizations must go through the Event Management Office. They are located in The Union. They can be reached by phone at (540) 568-6330.
Up to 2 members of the organization can become certified through the Student Event Planner Certification; this certification allows those members to reserve rooms on campus. Organization officers should also be familiar will all the Event Management policies. Only recognized organizations can reserve space.
There is a free resource for Student Organizations to help promote organization events called the Club House. There are numerous supplies such as poster board, banner paper, paint, a copier, computers, glitter paint, button machines, etc. The Club House is located on the second floor of The Union (upstairs from TDU) and is available to any organization that is recognized by JMU.
Other forms of advertising include bulk emails, mailbox stuffing, Grafton-Stovall movie slides, posted flyers, Kiosk advertising, The Breeze, Potty Mouth, chalking, info tables, sandwich boards, and table tents. Information about how to publicize in these ways can be found on the Event Management website.
Students should also be familiar with JMU Policy 3104 regarding public posting. Organizations found in violation of this policy may lose privileges, such as room reservations or Club House use.
Whenever organizations sell or give away merchandise on campus (ex. t-shirts, stickers, CD’s), the organization is required to gain approval from Student Leadership and Involvement. This approval must be gained before making ANY and ALL merchandise, regardless of the purpose or if it will be sold. To receive approval, simply fill out the appropriate Merchandise Approval Form on BeInvolved. Please allow up to 10 business days for approval.
If the organization plans to use the JMU name / logo / mascot / landmarks / etc. on merchandise, please note that these items are trademarked. In order to use a trademarked item, additional approval is required and must be purchased from a licensed vendor. A licensed vendor is a company that has gained approval from JMU to print these trademarks. The list of approved vendors changes regularly; for the most updated list please check our Local Vendor List.
Please note that some online retailers, such as Redbubble, are not licensed to create and sell JMU logos. Please refer to the Full List of All Officially Licensed Vendors to confirm the intended vendor is allowed to distribute the merchandise.
Student Leadership and Involvement can review major contracts for your club per JMU Policy 4101: Contractual Agreements: Student Clubs and Organizations.
Contracts should be brought to Student Leadership and Involvement prior to it being signed by performer. Staff can advise an organization by striking necessary clauses and/or attaching the JMU Addendum and a W-9. Student groups will be notified that they can pick up the contract and proceed with their contracting process. Contact to schedule a time to review any contracts.