Thank you for your service to James Madison University. If you are in the process of terminating your full-time employment with the university, carefully review the following information.

Schedule Your Exit Interview

An exit interview, a one-on-one meeting with your Benefits Specialist, is an important and necessary step when leaving the university. We will discuss in-depth how each of your benefits are affected upon leaving the university and the possibility of extending health insurance coverage. During the interview, you may provide feedback on your employment experience, which will help us to assess what the university could improve, change, or keep intact.

Use our online scheduling system to arrange a time for your exit interview. 

For last names A-C, please meet with Amie Loving-Harpine, Benefits Speicialist, Scheduling Link
For last names D-G, please meet with Reagan Neese, Benefits Specialist, Scheduling Link
For last names H-L, please meet with Angie Gett, Benefits Specialist, Scheduling Link
For last names M-R, please meet with Juli-Anna Hendricks, Benefits Specialist, Scheduling Link
For last names S-Z, please meet with Julie DiMarchi, Benefits Specialist, Scheduling Link

Online Exit Survey

Departing employees receive an invitation by email from requesting your participation in a brief (5 minutes or less) online Exit Survey. Please complete the survey within 48 hours of receiving the link. We value your employment experience feedback.

JMU E-mail and MyMadison Access

Access to your JMU email and MyMadison extends 30 days beyond your last day of employment.

Exception: Upon recommendation by Human Resources, access to JMU email and MyMadison may be significantly shorter.

Tips for managing email:

  • Obtain a new email account through another Internet Service Provider (ISP), such as Microsoft, Google, or Yahoo and send this new email address to all of your contacts and friends.
  • Change mailing list (Listserv) subscriptions to use your personal email address; unsubscribe from those you no longer wish to receive.
  • Forward personal emails that you wish to retain from your JMU email address to your personal email address.
  • Set an Out-of-Office reply indicating that you are no longer at the university and include an alternate way to contact you, if applicable.
  • Change personal accounts (bank accounts, credit cards, social media, etc.) that send password resets or notifications to your JMU email address as a forgotten password recovery or account authorization method.

Change of Address for forwarding W-2

If you consented to receive your W-2 electronically, print your prior year W-2 before losing access to MyMadison (within 30 days of your last day of employment). To receive your current year W-2 in a timely manner, make sure your address is correct in MyMadison.

If you no longer have access to MyMadison and need a copy of your W-2, email Payroll Services,

Return JMU Property

  • All building/office keys MUST be returned to the FM Lock Shop. Building coordinators or supervisors or their designees may collect keys in lieu of the employee physically returning their keys to the Lock Shop.
  • Keys to office furniture
  • Electronic devices
  • Duo hardware tokens – return to the Help Desk
  • Grade Books – Electronic and/or hard copy
  • Library materials and settle outstanding fines or fees – Information on returns, fines, and fees is available on the JMU Libraries website
  • Travel card

The following items are deactivated immediately upon separation:

  • JACard
  • Parking permit
  • Small purchase card

Group Life Insurance Company

When you leave employment and are not retirement eligible, you have the right to continue your optional group life insurance. This is called a conversion privilege. You have 31 days after your optional group life insurance ends (the last day of the month of your separation date) to exercise your conversion privilege.

When you leave employment and you meet age and service requirements to retire, but delay your retirement, your life insurance remains in effect at no cost. A 25 percent annual reduction in the amount of your coverage begins the month following the month of separation from service.

The university will assist coordination of benefits for active members in the event of a death, at which time your beneficiary or family member should contact Human Resources. In the event of a retiree death, your beneficiary or survivor should contact Securial Financial.

Group Long-Term Care Insurance

When you leave employment/retire, you may continue coverage with Genworth Life Insurance Company.

Health Insurance

The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) requires employers that sponsor group health plans to offer employees and their families the opportunity to temporarily extend their health coverage at group rates in certain instances where plan coverage would typically end.

The group health continuation coverage under COBRA notice includes information for you and your spouse about the rights and obligations under the COBRA provision and provides answers to several frequently asked questions.

COBRA enrollment information will be mailed directly to your home address upon separation from employment. Is your address up-to-date in MyMadison?


Virginia Retirement System (VRS)

If you are a VRS member, you may request a refund of your retirement contributions and interest, roll them over to a qualified retirement plan or keep them with the Virginia Retirement System. Review the VRS Leaving Employment website for more information about your options.

Time and Attendance Records

If you are a non-exempt employee, your time and attendance record is required to be turned in to Human Resources.  The Time and Attendance record should include all hours worked and on leave for the current leave year up to and including the last day worked.  Time and Attendance records and information can be located on the Time and Attendance Reporting webpage.  Time and Attendance records should be submitted electronically to when completed. Questions regarding Time and Attendance records can be directed to Reagan Neese, Benefits/Leave Specialist, at

Questions about separating employment? Contact your Benefits Specialist or email us at

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