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Year Graduated: 2014 (BA), 2015 (MAT)


Job Title: Social Studies Teacher


What are you up to now? I am currently in my sixth year of teaching. I work in York County Public Schools teaching World History and AP Human Geography.


How does your study of History inform your current career? Studying history was crucial to my success in my current career. History is the foundation of each course that I teach. Studying history has also taught me how to analyze complex ideas from the past and determine the best way to present that information to the next generation.

What are some of the most valuable skills you gained from your study of History? As a history student, I learned valuable critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills. Studying history has also given me greater appreciation of other cultures and a better understanding of the world I live in.


What is your advice for JMU students knowing what you know now? As a history student growing up, I was taught dates, facts and figures. As a student at JMU, learning history was done in a new and exciting way for me, since it focused on patterns and how the past has shaped our present and future. My advice for JMU students studying history would be to take advantage of the professors who encourage you to think outside of the “black and white” facts and explore the “grey” aspects of history.

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