Financial aid funds are available to students enrolled in qualifying JMU Study Abroad programs and have filed a FAFSA. Financial aid eligibility is generally determined the same way it is for a student studying on campus at JMU. The major difference in most cases is that your Cost of Attendance (COA) will be based on the anticipated expenses applicable to your study abroad program, which will be provided by the Center for Global Engagement (CGE). Consequently, the student does not need to contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for special consideration. The increased costs associated with a study abroad program will normally generate additional Plus Loan eligibility, as federal and state grants are not increased based on participation in a study abroad program. Federal loan limits still apply.

The Center for Global Engagement has scholarship information on their website:


For Study Abroad and Exchange Programs, a full listing of approved partner institutions can be viewed on the Center for Global Engagement’s website:


Things you should be aware of for summer programs:

  • **Your FAFSA needs to be filed. **
  • The changes to your budget that will reflect the increased costs of studying abroad cannot be made until after the initial packaging is complete. Therefore, the first financial aid offer you receive will not accurately reflect the total funds you will be entitled to. You will receive a second award notification. The increased costs associated with a study abroad program will normally generate additional Plus Loan eligibility.
  • You need to fill out a Summer Aid Application which is available on our website.


After reading all provided information, e-mail any further questions you may have to John Michael Schott.

Consortium Students

A consortium/contractual agreement is an official contract between James Madison University and another institution. Assuming a student meets all of the other general eligibility requirements to receive financial aid, the agreement allows JMU to provide financial aid while you study at an institution other than JMU. To be considered for financial aid, students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), listing JMU as a school to receive the FAFSA.

James Madison University will not send payment to your host institution. Your financial aid funds will be disbursed to you and/or your parents once you have started classes at your host institution. It is the student’s responsibility to print the “Enrollment Verification Form” below. You will need to take this form to the Registrars’ Office at your host institution and have them fax the completed form back to the Financial Aid Office. The process of disbursing your funds will not start until the Enrollment Verification Form is received in our office.

Hours you take as part of this agreement will be factored into the quantitative (pace and max time) Satisfactory Academic Progress review at JMU, even if JMU does not accept any or all of the hours towards your degree due to your grades.

For your benefit, please click Consortium Information for the online application for the Office of International Programs.

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