You're about to enter loan repayment. Now what do you do? You have lots of options so before jumping into consolidation or signing up for that new repayment plan that you read about in the local paper, you may want to do some research. Please review the links below to learn more about your current loan status and your options for repayment.

Note: Selecting the links below may take you to sites outside of the JMU Financial Aid website. These sites are not controlled by JMU and are subject to change without our notice.
Loan Definitions
  • Default
  • Deferment
  • Delinquency
  • Forbearance


Prep For Student Loan Repayment
Repayment Plan Guide
Resumption of Student Loan Repayment:

Payments and interest accrual on government-owned federal student loans have been paused since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Based on action taken by Congress, this pause will end in September 2023 and repayment will resume in October 2023. You can view more information about this on Resumption of Loan Repayment website, including steps you should take at this time.

Trouble paying student loans?

Private Loans
Private Loan repayment varies per lender; please contact your lender for details regarding your repayment options.



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