Academic Institutions
One of JMU’s key partners, the European University Institute (EUI) is located in scenic Fiesole, overlooking the city of Florence. The program works closely with the EUI, and many EUPS faculty members have their advanced degrees from the Institute. JMU's graduate students have access to the EUI libraries and can attend the distinguished Max Weber Program's lecture series, as well as other high level academic events that bring renowned academics and experts from around the world to cover a broad variety of topics.
University of Florence, Department of Political Science
JMU works closely with the University of Florence's Department of Political Science on a number of projects, such as joint lecture series, EU-related conferences, internships, and more. Florence University faculty members deliver distinguished lectures and participate in JMU conferences. University of Florence students join JMU students on academic projects with an applied, hands-on focus.
The British Institute of Florence
The British Institute of Florence, which provides English courses to the Italian community and Italian courses to Anglophones living in Florence. The Institute frequently offers cultural events, including film and lecture series, as well as language exchanges for English- and Italian-speaking students. Master's students have access to additional resources at the Institute's Harold Acton library, including DVD rentals.
Public Authorities and NGOs
JMU has an important relationship with the City of Florence’s administration. The city government’s historical headquarters (Palazzo Vecchio) has often hosted events sponsored by the M.A. in Political Science graduate program. JMU's use of Palazzo Capponi in Via dei Michelozzi was originally made possible by an agreement with the city administration, and students have worked as interns in the Comune's various offices. The continuous support of the city administration through the major’s office and the Councillor for higher education’s engagement are essential to the smooth navigation of JMU in Florence.
Located in the Northeastern corner of Italy, the Autonomous Province of Trento makes up half of the Autonomous Region of Trentino-Alto Adige. Since 2015 JMU has partnered with the Province's press office, which provides two annual internships to JMU students, to help with English language communication during the renowned Economics Festival.
Europe Direct is the European Union’s information service. The organization is headquartered in Brussels with local information service centers in every EU member state. These centers provide assistance to people with questions about EU rights and funding and sponsor local EU information and networking events while disseminating EU documents and publications in each country’s official language. They also help distribute a small fraction of the EU’s funds to projects centered on providing information and communication of the EU’s policies and opportunities to citizens.
Associazione Via Maggio is a community organization comprised of residents, local merchants, and cultural institutions surrounding the historic street, Via Maggio, off of which JMU's building is located. Via Maggio is a unique cultural landmark in Florence, as it is filled with many well-known and established antique shops. It is indeed known as the antiquarians’ street. The aim of the Association is to improve the neighborhood and the quality of life for residents and those who work in the area. Specifically, the Association has successfully installed new lighting along via Maggio and JMU’s own street, Via dei Michelozzi, requested to have fewer tour buses through the neighborhood and pushed for stricter speed enforcement of cars and buses to create a safe environment for residents and tourists. JMU participates regularly in community meetings and initiatives to continually improve and maintain the beauty and safety of this important cultural landmark.
Corri la Vita is a breast cancer awareness fundraiser walk/run held annually in September in the city of Florence. Each year you can spot JMU graduate and undergraduate students proudly wearing the event's official t-shirt among the over 30,000 participants.
This community organization has been helping the homeless and elderly since the late 90s, distributing food and clothes, grocery shopping and even paying general utility bills for families in need. Every Wednesday at noon in Santa Maria Novella they provide a meal to hundreds of people. Since 2017 JMU Florence has hosted multiple Thanksgiving Food Drives to donate food to those most in need in the surrounding community through this organization.