We now have a ticketing system for our IT help requests. CSM IT tickets will go directly to the relevant IT representative for each department.

Please note: If you have IT needs that are truly urgent e.g. non-functioning technology in a room you are teaching in at that time, please contact your usual points of help (Department IT representative and/or the Learning Innovation & Designs help desk).  

CSM Dean's Suite

IT Representative: Thomas Finnegan

Submit Ticket

CSM Servers & HPC

CSM Server Requests

Transitional IT Representative: Luther Brefo

 Submitted through JMU IT Portal (Search for "CSM Infrastructure")

HPC Requests (access, storage, software)

Submitted through JMU IT Portal (Search for "HPC")


IT Representative: Luther Brefo

Submit Biology Ticket

Chemistry & Biochemistry

IT Representative: Winston Shifflett

Submit Chemistry/Biochemistry Ticket

Geology & Environmental Science

IT Representative: Thomas Finnegan

Submit Geology/Environmental Science Ticket

Mathematics & Statistics

IT Representative: Derek Buchanan

Submit Math/Statistics Ticket

Physics & Astronomy

IT Representative: Winston Shifflett

Submit Physics/Astronomy Ticket

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