Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
- PhD - University of Virginia
- MSN - University of Virginia
- BA and BSN - West Virginia University
Professional Interests:
- Intimate partner violence
- Sexual assault
- Forensic Nursing
- Rural Health
- Graham, A. C., Mallison, R. K., Krall, J. & Annan, S. (2020). Sexual assault survivors’ perceived helpfulness of university-affiliated resources. Violence Against Women, 1- 16. DOI: 10.1177/1077801220952172
- Graham, A. C., Mallison, R. K., Krall, J. & Annan, S. (2019) Sexual Assault, Campus Resource Use, and Psychological Distress in Undergraduate Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260519884689
- Schminkey, D., Liu, X., Annan, S. & Sawin, E. (2019) Contributors to health inequities in rural Latinas of childbearing age: An integrative review using an ecological framework. SageOpen, 9(1), 1-20. DOI: 10.1177/2158244018823077
- Sawin, E.M., Sobel, L.L., Annan S.L., Schminkey, D.L. (2017) From systematic review to call for action: In search of evidence-based interventions to decrease intimate partner violence in rural Hispanic American women. Hispanic Health Care International. 15(2), 79-87. DOI: 10.1177/1540415317698947
- Powell, N., (2014) Metzler-Sawin, E., Annan, S., & Rubenstein, C. Student evaluations of teaching tools: A qualitative examination of student perceptions. Nurse Educator, 39(6), DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000066
- Annan, S. (2014) 'We desperately need some help here' - The experience of legal experts with sexual assault and evidence collection in rural communities Rural and Remote Health, 14(4), 2659.