In the CFI’s teaching programs, we have recognized a keen desire and commitment from JMU instructors to share their teaching experiences and to learn from one another.

The purpose of this program is to go one step further by opening up the classroom space; to create or strengthen connections among instructors across campus; to provide an opportunity to discover, appreciate, and learn from the diverse teaching of JMU instructors; and to help to make teaching a less isolating, mystifying, or individualistic endeavor. 

Interested in opening your classroom?

Volunteer to open up your classroom for colleagues to visit. You get to decide what day(s)/time(s) to host visitors and how many visitors you can accommodate. Colleagues may visit your class because they are curious to see someone else outside of their department teach or they may want to be exposed to different teaching strategies that they had never considered before. They may even decide to try out something new in their own classes! This opportunity is not intended to be evaluative, but rather appreciative.

Please check back again next semester.

Interested in visiting a classroom?

Sign up to visit one of your colleague’s class periods. During your visit, you may be exposed to new teaching strategies and even get ideas to try out on your own. Both instructors who are new to teaching as well as those who are more experienced may find inspiration and appreciation in the teaching of others. Open classes represent a wide range of different disciplines, subjects, levels, sizes, as well as pedagogies. Please use the survey linked below to see which classes are available this semester and to sign up for your visit.

Please check back again next semester.

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