How to Find Us
The Biology Department is located in the Bioscience building (pictured here), between the Physics/Chemistry Building and the Leeolou Alumni Center, on East Campus. By car, the closest entrance in on Reservoir Street. If you are on foot, you will see Bioscience at the top of the hill when you walk up from UREC.

Parking is strictly policed at JMU! You can ask the person you are visiting to organize a guest permit for you, or you can get a temporary parking permit from Parking Services. Their office is under the parking deck on Champions drive, near the Port Republic Road entrance to campus.
Prospective Students
We offer tours of our facilities and classroom spaces to prospective students and their families. Click the button below for more information.
Public Outreach
The JMU Center for STEM Education and Outreach "provides a variety of learning opportunities and resources in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math for students and educators in grades K-12."