Message from the Provost

Dear Colleagues,

As we celebrate the many significant successes of a quarter century of our current General Education program, JMU is preparing for the next iteration of our core curriculum. This is an auspicious opportunity to showcase JMU’s distinctive blend of liberal arts, research, and professional education and to provide our next generation of students with a revitalized academic core that addresses current and emerging educational needs.

This renewal process is central to our Academic Affairs Strategic Plan. I have asked a Task Force to coordinate the initial stages of this effort which are focused on information gathering and coordinating mechanisms for stakeholder input. Throughout the renewal process, the role of faculty will be central. The Task Force will also gather information from students and other constituents. Please be on the lookout for requests to provide input at all stages of development.

The process of developing and implementing a new core curriculum will take several years. While we pursue this project, our current General Education program leadership will continue to provide regular maintenance and appropriate updates. I appreciate all the work that goes into administering our current General Education program, and that work will continue as we decide how to revise the program. There will likely be some bumps in the road as we concurrently deliver our current program and plan for its renewal. I ask for your forbearance and goodwill as we navigate these challenges. I know that each of us is committed to delivering a relevant, cogent, and meaningful core curriculum to our current and future students.

Thank you in advance for all your thoughtful contributions to our renewal process.

Provost Coltman


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