Associate Professor
Year Started at JMU: 1997
Contact Info
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Ph.D., English, Texas Tech University, 1998
M.A., Speech Communication, Texas Tech University, 1989
B.A., Speech Communication, Texas A&M University, 1987
Professional Focuses
The study and production of the online and webbed environments, primarily to prepare students for industries in technical communication.
She performs a majority of her research in the usability and accessibility of professional and technical communication, hypertext theory and its applications, social media, web design, and digital storytelling. She is currently working on projects that center around art & design, augmented reality, and usability testing accessibility and disability tools.
Selected Professional Activities
Writes column "Fantastic Finds from My Corner." Headwaters Master Naturalist newsletters. February 2022–present.
Invited to serve as the International External Consultant/Validator for the MTU Cork MSc in Technical Communication. Munster Tech University, Cork, Ireland. May 2–15, 2022.
Invited to give workshop, "How to Give Children’s Accessibility Tours" to interns by Katie Rankin, Education Coordinator, Edith J. Rankin Arboretum. March 7, 2022.
Consulted NZP/SCBI (National Zoological Park/Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute) on their eLearning Volunteer Training Modules. July–August 19, 2021.
Published Headwaters Master Naturalist newsletters, August 2019–April 2021.
Presented "Mapping Kilroy Was Here" as Lightening Talk to 11th International Conference on The Image (Virtual), University of South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 9, 2020. https://youtu.be/MMuY8_mv4Wc
Invited panelist for the session, "Communicating with Your Chapter," Virginia Master Naturalist Leadership Month. November 17, 2020.
Consulted for Maison Platine, company for Greg Foster, on website, copyright, and design. April 19, 2017.
Consulted on Assistive Learning Devices for Rev. Daniel Robayo-Hidalgo for Emmanuel Episcopal Church sanctuary. Researched church, interviewed sources, and compiled and annotated sources in a report. April 18, 2017.
Consulted for Alexia Gordon, author. Advised her on logo design; reviewed her Brand & Social Media Guidelines and made extensive suggestions. March 3, 2017.
Invited to present at World Usability Day. Saginaw Valley State University. November 12, 2015.
Presented "One University’s Experience with Both CPTSC Program Review and External Academic Program Review." Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). Colorado Springs, CO. October 2014.
Published "Accessibility and the Web Design Student." Rhetorical AccessAbility: At the Intersection of Technical Communication and Disability Studies. Ed. Lisa Meloncon. Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. 2013.
Published A Technical Communicator’s Guide to Web Design. Hawthorne, Mark, and Elizabeth Pass. Paris: Lavoisier, July 2005.
Published Community Voice contribution. Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Fall 2004.
Published "E-Pedagogy: Deleuze and Guattari in the Web-Design Class." Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 6.2. November 2001. english.ttu.edu/kairos/in_progress/6.2/coverweb/de/pass
Presented "Managing the Conundrum: Doing an Effective Job Teaching Those Packed Web Design Courses To Students Who Just Want to Do the 'Fun Stuff.'" Conference Proceedings for Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). Pittsburg, PA. October, 2001.
Published "Interactive Oz." Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 5.1. Fall 1999. english.ttu.edu/kairos/5.1/index.html
Presented "Student Publications Groups: Meeting the Needs of Students and Industry" (with Mike Zerbe). Conference Proceedings for Council of Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). Santa Fe, New Mexico. October 1999.
Presented "Adding Value to the Technical Communication Program: The Need for Required Research Methodology Courses." Conference Proceedings for Council for Programs on Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). Lewes, Delaware. October 1997.
As Managing Editor and Co-founder of Kairos, published "Pull Up a Chair," with Amy Hanson. Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 1.2. June 1996. english.ttu.edu/kairos/1.2/index.html
As Managing Editor and Co-founder of Kairos, published “Thoughts on Purpose.” Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 1.1. January, 1996. english.ttu.edu/kairos/1.1/index.html
As Managing Editor and Co-founder of Kairos, published “What’s In a Name? What We Call What We Do and Why It Matters,” with Mick Doherty. RhetNet Snapshot. February 21, 1996. www.missouri.edu/~rhetnet/doherty-pass_snap.html