Associate Professor and Executive Director of the Learning Centers
Year Started at JMU: 2006
Contact Info
Ph.D., Composition and TESOL, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2017
M.A., English, Millersville University, 2006
B.A., English, Eastern Mennonite University, 2003
Professional Focuses
Composition pedagogy, writing center studies, mindset theory, RAD research.
She is the Executive Director of the Learning Centers, where she investigates tutoring efficacy and learning outcomes assessment. She is also interested in students' dispositions and habits of mind, and she conducts research on the impact of writers' mindsets on their writing processes and performance.
So What? The Writer's Argument, 3rd ed. With Kurt Schick. New York: Oxford UP, 2021.
So What? The Writer’s Argument with Readings. With Kurt Schick. New York: Oxford UP, 2021.
"The SELAP Continuum: How to Assess Student Employee Learning and Job Performance" (2nd author). With Brian Leventhal and Matt Trybus. Assessment Update 33.3 (2021): 14-15.
"Can We Change Their Minds? Investigating an Embedded Tutor's Influence on Students' Mindsets and Writing." Writing Center Journal 38.1/2 (2020): 103-123.
"Is Tutoring Stressful: Measuring Tutors' Cortisol Levels" (2nd author). With Erik Simmons, Caroline Prendergast, and Christiana McGuigan. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship 44.5/6 (2020): 18-25.
So What? The Writer’s Argument, 2nd ed. With Kurt Schick. New York: Oxford UP, 2017.
So What? The Writer's Argument. With Kurt Schick. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.