Associate Professor
Year Started at JMU: 1995
Contact Info
Ph.D., Studies in Literacy, Language and Literature, Indiana University, 1994
M.A., Contemporary American Literature, Indiana University, 1986
American Literature, University of Hamburg, Germany, 1984
“Portkey to the Scholarly Disciplines.” Teaching with Harry Potter. Ed., Valerie Estelle Frankel. McFarland, Jerrferson, NC: 2013.
“Be the Argument, Be the Change.” Rhetoric Review 27.2 (Spring 2008): 211-212.
“Not Just Kid’s Stuff Anymore: Harry Potter and Scholarship.” American Culture/Popular Culture Association of the South Newsletter, Spring 2004.
Entering The Parlor: Communities, Conversations, and Writing, 2nd edition; Pearson Custom Publishing, Needham Heights, MA: 2000.
Entering the Parlor: Communities, Conversations, and Writing; Simon and Schuster Custom Publishing, Needham Heights, MA: 1997.
L142 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Literature II; Study guide for Independent Study, Indiana University 1995.
"Writing to Learn in a Business Economics Class;" with Lawrence Davidson; The Journal of Economic Education 24.3 (Summer 1993) :237-243.
L141 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Literature I; Study guide for Independent Study, Indiana University, 1993.
L213 Literary Masterpieces; Study guide for Independent Study, Indiana University, 1992.
Write To Learn; Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Newsletter for the IU School of Business; with Nancy Hyslop, 1990-92.
"Illiteracy in America: Or, Give Them a Sense of Pride;" paper published and used for tutor training by VITAL(Volunteers in Teaching Adult Learners), Monroe County Public Library, Bloomington IN, 1987.