Associate Professor and WRTC Graduate Program Director
Year Started at JMU: 2016
Contact Info
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lori-dehertogh/
Ph.D., English, Specialization in Scientific and Technical Communication, Washington State University, 2015
M.A., English, Appalachian State University, 2008
B.A., English, University of Southern Mississippi, 2004
Professional Focuses
healthcare communication; women’s health; scientific and technical writing; content strategy; project management
Special Journal Issues Edited
Novotny, M., De Hertogh, L.B., & Frost, E. (2020). Rhetorics of reproductive justice in civic and public contexts. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, 20(2).
DiCaglio, S. & De Hertogh, L.B. (2019). Rhetorical pasts, rhetorical futures: Reflecting on the legacy of Our Bodies, Ourselves and the future of feminist health literacy. Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition, 22(3).
Refereed Journal Articles
Novotny, M. & De Hertogh, L.B. (2022). A dialogue on situating reproductive justice in rhetorics of health & medicine. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 5(4).
De Hertogh, L.B. & DeVasto D. (2022). Shaping a participatory health communication pedagogy with ux and patient-agency. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 4(4).
De Hertogh, L.B., Novotny, M., & Harper, K. (2020) Annotated bibliography of rhetorics of reproductive justice. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, 20(2)
Lane, L., De Hertogh, L.B., Ouellette, J. (2020). Feminist citational mapping as recovery and reconsideration: A methodology for analyzing citational practices. Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition, 22(3).
McCarthy, S., De Hertogh, L.B., & Rouillon, V. (2020). The role of curation in tenure and promotion documentation. The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 4(1).
De Hertogh, L.B., Lane, L., & Ouellette, J. (2019). Feminist leanings: Tracing technofeminist and intersectional practices and values in three decades of Computers and Composition. Computers and Composition, 51, 4-13.
De Hertogh, L.B. (2018). Feminist digital research methodology for rhetoricians of health and medicine. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 32(4), 480-503.
De Hertogh, L.B. (2018). Vanishing acts: Theorizing digital iterations in feminist archives. Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture, 26.
De Hertogh, L.B. (2015). Reinscribing a new normal: Pregnancy, disability, and health 2.0. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, & Technology, 7.
Refereed Book Chapters
De Hertogh, L.B. (2020). Interrogating race-based health disparities in Black Women Do Breastfeed. In Erin Frost & Michelle Eble (Eds.), Interrogating Gendered Pathologies (pp. 188-204). Louisville, CO: Utah State University Press.
Novotny, M. & De Hertogh, L.B. (2019). Rhetorics of self-disclosure: A feminist framework for understanding infertility activism. In Jamie White-Farnham, Bryna Siegel Finer, & Cathryn Molloy (Eds.), Women's Health Advocacy: Rhetorical Ingenuity for the 21st Century (pp. 59-72). Philadelphia, PA: Routledge Press.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
De Hertogh, L.B., & DeVasto, D. (2020). User experience as participatory health communication pedagogy. SIGDOC: Special Interest Group on Design of Communication.