Lecturer and Associate Director of the Learning Centers - University Writing Center
Contact Info
M.S., Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication, James Madison University, 2017
B.S., Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication, James Madison University, 2015
Professional Focuses
Writing coaching and consultation, research design and writing, composition pedagogy, intercultural communication, rhetorics of gaming, and identity construction, especially regarding race and neurodiversity.
Selected Professional Activities
Barrett, Rodolfo, Darius Green, Matt Trybus, Lucy Malenke, and Kristen Shrewsbury. "Building Commitment to Anti-Racism: A Model for Enacting Lasting Change." National College Learning Center Association Conference. October 2021.
Featherstone, Jared, Rodolfo Barrett, and Maya Chandler."The Mindful Tutor."cHow We Teach Writing Tutors: A WLN Digital Edited Collection, edited by Karen G. Johnson and Ted Roggenbuck. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 2019, https://wlnjournal.org/digitaleditedcollection1/Featherstoneetal.html.
Barrett, Rodolfo, Laura Schubert, and K. Harrison. "Closing the Loop: Lessons from Course-Embedded Writing Consultants." James Madison University May Symposium. May 2019.
Barrett, Rodolfo. Unboxing Magic: An Exploratory Ethnography of a Collectible Card Game Discourse Community. 2017. James Madison University. Master's thesis. https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/master201019/500.
Barrett, Rodolfo. "Non-white and Unbooked: The Effect of Ethnically-Identifying Tutor Names on Appointment-based Writing Center Consultations." International Writing Centers Association Conference, Denver, CO, October 2016.