Associate Professor
Year Started at JMU: 1999
Contact Info
Ph.D., English, Texas Christian University, 1994
M.A., English, Southwest Missouri State University, 1988
B.S.Ed., English/journalism, Southwest Missouri State University, 1981
Professional Focuses
Histories of rhetoric, 18th- and 19th-century Scottish rhetoric, computers and writing in the FYC course, teaching writing online, tech. and rhetoric, rhetoric of science, writing in the public sphere
“Interview with Winifred Bryan Horner,” with Lynee Lewis Gaillet, Composition Studies, 1 Oct. 2014. Reprint of 1994 Interview with Winifred Bryan Horner.
Editorials and Forum pieces for the Daily News-Record [Harrisonburg, VA], the North Fork Journal, and the Roanoke [Virginia] Times (2010-2011)
“The Merger of TSC and Writing and Rhetoric Studies,” WRTC Alumni Newsletter (2009-2010), https://www.jmu.edu/wrtc/alumni/article8.html.
“Rachel Carson” and “Aldo Leopold,” in Modern American Environmentalists, eds. George A. Cevasco and Richard P. Harmond, Johns Hopkins UP, 2009.
Editorial advisor for The Handbook of Research on Virtual Workplace and the New Nature of Business Practices, co-edited by Pavel Zemliansky and Kirk St. Amant, IGI Global Publishers, 2008.
“Virtually Inspired: Computer Strategies for Revision,” The Subject is Writing: Essays by Teachers and Students, 4th edition, Eds. Wendy Bishop and James Strickland, Boynton/Cook Heinemann, 2006.
“The Collage Connection: Using Hypertext To Teach Research Writing,” Revisiting Research Writing: A Sourcebook for Teachers,” Eds. Wendy Bishop and Pavel Zemliansky, Boynton/Cook Heinemann, Spring 2004.
“Brave New World: How Alexander Bain‟s Educational Reforms Addressed Student Needs During the Industrial Age,” in Rhetoric, the Polis, and the Global Village: Selected Papers from the 1998 Thirtieth Anniversary Rhetoric Society of America Conference, edited by C. Jan Swearingen, Erlbaum, 1999.
“The Impact of Science on Rhetoric Through the Contributions of the University of Aberdeen‟s Alexander Bain,” in Scottish Rhetoric and Its Influences, edited by Lyneé Lewis Gaillet, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998.
“A School of Her Own: Virginia Alice Cottey and the Vernon Seminary for Young Ladies,” in Women and Higher Education: Past, Present, and Future, with Debbie Cottrell, U of Aberdeen Press, 1996.
Weekly Column in the Nevada Daily Mail, spring 1995.
“Interview with Winifred Bryan Horner,” in Composition Studies, with Lynee Lewis Gaillet, fall 1994: 15-28.
“George Campbell,” (bibliography accompanying chapter by Winifred Bryan Horner) in Eighteenth Century British and American Rhetorical Theory, Greenwood Press, 1994.
“Northern Exposure on Environmental Ethos: Pathos in the Underbrush,” in Earth Tones, Vergin Press, 1994.
“Spinning in His Grave: Alexander Bain, the Modes of Discourse, and the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills,” in CCTE Studies, Vol. LVIII 1993: 63-70, 1993.
Review of Ecospeak: Rhetoric and Environmental Politics in America, in Composition Studies: Freshman English News, fall 1992: 100-102.
Review of Shared Territory: Understanding Children’s Writing as Works, in Composition Studies: Freshman English News, spring 1992: 103-104.
“Serving as the Keystone: Collaborative Reform, Relinquishing Authority, and the Link to Higher Education in the Fort Worth Public Schools,” in English in Texas, with Peter Vandenberg, summer 1991: 3-8.
“‟Southern Belle‟ Reveals Pain of Fitting Female Myth,” review of Fatal Flowers: on Sin, Sex, and Suicide in the Deep South, by Rosemary Dantell, in The News Leader (Springfield, MO) 1 June 1980.