Art, Art History, Graphic Design & Architectural Design Internships
Internships are created and monitored on an individual basis, designed to provide practical experience in the arts and design. Art history, graphic design and architectural design internships are off-campus.
- Architectural Design internships: Jori Erdman
- Art internships: Corinne Diop
- Art History internships: Maureen Shanahan
- Graphic Design internships: Dawn McCusker
Gallery Internships
Available at both Duke Gallery of Fine Art and ArtWorks within SADAH. Internships offer experience as a gallery attendant with hands-on opportunities for hanging exhibits and working with artists.
National and regional internships
Placement in regional and national museums and gallery internships may be general or specialized (for example research, exhibition, education, collections management, administration). The prerequisite can be waived under the following conditions: must be a rising junior or senior, must have a 2.8 GPA, must have a faculty recommendation. For more information, contact your advisor.
International Internships
Opportunities to work in art-related internships may be available in conjunction with JMU's Semester in London program.
Madison Art Collection Internships
The Madison Art Collection internships cover the following areas:
- Art education
- Communications and marketing
- Curation
- Editing
- Exhibition design
- Graphic design
- Interpretation
Want to hear more testimonials? Visit the MAC internship site to see the whole video.