Dean's Office
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Justin Bullman

Financial & Operations Manager

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Laurissa Kennedy

Assistant to the Dean

Faculty & Staff
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Donna Garber

Director, Marketing & Recruitment

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Theresa Jennings

Credit Programs Administrator

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Wanda Hensley

Building & Operations Coordinator

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Ramona Hepner

Operations Support Specialist

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Barbara Hetzel

Director, Lifelong Learning Institute

Image: Amanda Kellogg

Amanda Kellogg

Director, Professional Development

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Heather Miller

Academic Advisor, Adult Degree Program

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Kristina Oates

Operations Support Assistant

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Daniel Robinson

Director and Academic Unit Head, Adult Degree Program

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Elizabeth Sacco

Enrollment Specialist, Professional Development

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Haley Smith

Program Coordinator, Adult Degree Program

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Jess Stallings

Program Coordinator, Professional Development

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Clay Sutton

Enrollment Specialist, Adult Degree Program

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Virginia P. Trovato

Academic Advisor, Adult Degree Program

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Rae Vaughn

Director, Youth Programs

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Justin Whetzel

Program Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Institute

Presidential Engagement Fellow, Graduate Assistants & Intern
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Muna Onoura

Graduate Assistant for Dean of SPCE

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