
Apply for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree

2024-2025 Application Deadlines

  • Deadline for Assistantship Consideration*: December 1, 2024
  • Auditions/interviews must take place by February 8, 2025
  • Deadline for Admission Only (no assistantship consideration): March 30, 2025

The Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree is the most advanced course of study offered in the School of Music at James Madison University. The degree has been designed to make graduates more marketable in higher education by emphasizing pedagogy and literature along with advanced performance skills. We are seeking candidates who have the potential to pursue the highest level of achievement in performance and teaching. The degree requires completion of a minimum of sixty (60) credit hours beyond a Master's degree including:

  • 12-18 credits of applied instruction
  • 4 credits of capstone Recitals
  • 3 credits of capstone Research Document
  • 15 credits of core Research Methods (3), Musicology Seminars (6), and Theory Analysis and Topical Seminars (6)
  • 6 credits of core Pedagogy Courses
  • 13-17 required credits of area-specific courses in pedagogy and literature

For more information on Graduate Studies in the School of Music, please contact Dr. William Dabback at dabbacwm@jmu.edu.

D.M.A. Concentrations
Important Dates & Deadlines

2024-2025 Application Deadlines

  • Deadline for Assistantship Consideration*: December 1, 2024
  • Auditions/interviews must take place by February 8, 2025
  • Deadline for Admission Only (no assistantship consideration): March 30, 2025

All applicants who wish to be considered for an assistantship must have complete files by December 1, 2024. Application comprises two required parallel processes:

  1. Submission of all application materials and prescreening videos on Slideroom, including three letters of recommendation from recommenders qualified to write about the applicant. Applicants should upload each piece individually for their prescreening.
  2. Application to the Graduate School

Applicants will be notified approximately by the end of the first week in January whether they have been invited to audition or interview at James Madison University.

*All candidates applying for study during the traditional academic year (fall/spring) who have complete applications by December 1 will be considered for assistantships. No assistantships are available for summer study in the M.M. Summer-Only Music Education program. 

2024-2025 Graduate Audition Dates

  • December 7, 2024
  • January 25, 2025
  • February 8, 2025
Entrance Examinations

Prior to the first week of classes, all admitted graduate music students will take the written theory placement survey to help them choose a starting music theory course. The survey will explain what course options are available for students and allow them to determine self-placement in an appropriate course. An optional test is available for those who would like further placement guidance.


The chief source of aid for graduate study is through assistantships awarded by the school. Teaching and non-teaching graduate assistantships in music are awarded each year on a competitive basis. Specific assignments in administration, applied music, bands, music history, music education, orchestra, and theory are based on qualifications and School of Music needs. In addition to a stipend, assistantships include a tuition award.

The James Madison University School of Music is pleased to announce its available Doctoral assistantships for the 2025-2026 academic year:

  • Strings
  • Brass/Percussion
  • Brass/Percussion
  • Woodwind
  • Voice
  • Piano
  • Conducting

A full graduate load is 9 credit hours per semester (18 credits per year). Doctoral assistantships provide 20-24 credit hours of tuition per year. All assistantships provide stipends to assist with living expenses. Graduate assistants are assigned 20 hours of work per week in exchange for their assistantship benefits.

For more information about graduate assistantships including current stipend amounts, click here

Please go to the Cost of Attendance Calculator to see the estimated cost of attendance for your program of study.

International Students

In addition to uploading the required materials on Slideroom as explained above, international graduate applicants are also required to complete the graduate school application made specifically for international applicants. 

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