Thank you for reporting your global engagement activity!

Before completing this application, please refer to Academic Affairs Strategic Goal 3, Objective 3 to ensure your activity aligns with the identified strategic objectives. 

This collection tool will act as a central repository of global engagement activities of faculty and staff at JMU. It is not designed to replace existing reporting requirements within your area. 

This tool was designed to take less than 10 minutes of your time. See the example report below to preview the questions. 

Objective 3: University Goals: 2C, 3B, 3C, 3E, 4B, 4D, 6A

3. Broaden worldviews and promote global understanding by cultivating, facilitating and supporting global engagement at home and abroad

  • 3-1. Create transformative international experiences through teaching and learning, partnerships and research, study abroad, virtual exchange, and meaningful engagement with and a welcoming environment for international students and scholars
  • 3-2. Integrate cross-cultural perspectives and experiences into curricula and campus culture to develop globally competent students, faculty and staff
Eligible Activities
  • Served as a visiting professor/lecturer/performer abroad
  • Served as a visiting researcher/scholar abroad
  • Conducted collaborative research
  • Received a grant or externally funded project
  • Was a Fulbright scholar/specialist
  • Co-authored publications with scholars/researchers from abroad
  • Presented/exhibited at an international conference or event
  • Hosted a visiting professor/lecturer from abroad
  • Visited a potential or existing partner institution
  • Hosted a delegation from a potential or existing partner institution
  • Engaged in international student recruitment activities (includes formal organized events or informal university/student/alumni visits)
  • Conducted site visit for potential program/partnership development.
  • Engaged in activities to support the development of an interculturally focused program for students
  • Engaged in activities to develop or revise curriculum to include intercultural competencies/global context
  • Developed a global virtual component to a course or program

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