JUSTPEACE is a week of educational programming beginning on the International Day of Peace, September 21st. The week kicks off with an open house at the center, where faculty, staff, and students are invited to tour the suite, check out the free library, and enjoy some food. Later in the week, the Beitzel Symposium features presentations on the annual theme by scholars and practitioners. The week also includes a feature film and discussion on the annual theme. Previous themes have included “race, caste, and class,” “AI in higher education,” and “climate, peace, and justice.” 

Join us this Fall for JUSTPEACE 2024

The theme for JUSTPEACE 2024 is "Climate, Justice, & Peace." The Beitzel Symposium (September 25 and 26) will feature presentations from scholars and practitioners in the community, and include an organized visit to a local climate farm. 

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