Apply to Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS)

Step two: involves applying to the Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS). To complete this step, you must complete the OTCAS general application and select James Madison University’s Master of Occupational Therapy Program. Remember to complete this step before the due date.

Who needs to complete this step?

All applicants must complete this step.

Before you visit OTCAS, organize what you need to complete this step

  • Your contact information and information about your experiences
  • OTCAS Personal Statement
  • Contact information for three people who will complete evaluations (references) for you
  • PDF of your JMU Graduate School Application
  • Documentation of OT Exposure
    • JMU Exposure to Occupational Therapy Verification Form
    • Virtual Shadowing

How to complete this step:

  • First, go to the Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS) website.
  • Next, hit the “create an account” button and follow the instructions on the OTCAS website.  
  • Then complete the General OTCAS Application: this information is accessible to all programs in OTCAS.
    • Enter/upload all required information on the My Application page and pay the fee.
    • Complete the OTCAS personal statement and evaluations (references).
  • Then, complete the Program Specific Component: Select James Madison University Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program and enter or upload the following information into the JMU program-specific “Documents” section. 
  • PDF of your JMU Graduate School Application
  • Contact information for three people willing to complete evaluations (references) in support of your application
  • OT Exposure information: submit documentation of Virtual OT Shadowing and/or the JMU Exposure to OT Verification Form

Important Information

Your application must be verified by OTCAS by January 10, 2025. Visit OTCAS for more information about verification.


If you need assistance navigating the OTCAS site or completing the general OTCAS application, contact OTCAS directly.
If you have questions about JMU-specific requirements, email the JMU OT Program directly.

Remember to complete the remaining steps and remember, all four steps need to be completed on or before the due dates.

◄ Step One

Step Three ►

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