Submit Your Video Essay to the OT program

Step Three: involves creating a video personal statement.

Who needs to complete this step?

All applicants must complete this step.

Getting Started on this step, organize yourself

How to complete this step:

  • Review the following questions and think about how you want to respond.
  • Create a brief (four-minute or less) YouTube video of you answering these questions:
    • How do you expect the JMU MOT program to help you achieve your career goals?
    • How will you use your strengths to uphold the values of the Department of Health Professions?
    • What strategies will you use to be successful academically in the JMU MOT program, to create or contribute to a supportive learning community, while continuing to balance school with life’s demands?
  • Review your video to ensure the audio and video are clear, and your face is visible.
  • Remember to choose the UNLISTED (not private or public) setting.  
  • Email your video directly to the James Madison University Master of Occupational Therapy Program. Title your email with your name and MOT Video; e.g. Jimmy Madison’s MOT Video  

If you have questions about this step, email the JMU OT Program directly.

Remember to complete the remaining steps and remember, all four steps need to be completed on or before the due dates.

◄ Step Two

Step Four ►

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