Professor of Anthropology, Department Head
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
BA, University of Essex ( UK )
MA, University of New Mexico
Ph.D., University of Virginia
E-RYT 500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher)--Yoga Alliance, USA.
Cultural Anthropology, History of Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology, Anthropology and Photography, Ethnographic Film "Mindfulness and Anthropology".
West Africa (The Gambia), East Africa (Kenya), India, Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology and Photography, Ethnographic Film, History of Anthropological Theory, Mindfulness and Anthropology, Yoga Practice and Theory in the USA
Selected Presentations & Publications
forthcoming Photo-Elicitation--Its Words, Sounds, and Sensations. Handbook of Visual Methods in Anthropology. Eds, Rupert Cox & Chris Wright. Routledge.
2022 “Black Experiences with Yoga in the USA, 1893-1929” African, African-American and Diaspora Studies Conference, James Madison University, February 16-19, 2022
2021 “‘How can I soften when all of these feelings are coming up?’: Black Experiences and Practices in Yoga (Asana and Meditation)” African, African-American and Diaspora Studies Conference, James Madison University, February 17-20, 2021
2019 Photography, Contemplation, and the Worship of Sri Ramakrishna. Visual Anthropology Review. 35(1):50-58
2019 “Photo Archiving, Monasticism, and Yogic Life at Sivananda Ashram (Rishikesh, India)” Photo Archives VII: The Majority World 24 – 25 October. Organized by Akkasah, the Center for Photography at New York University Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max Planck Institute.
2018 Paint, Cement, Photographs: On the Endurance of Imagery in Western Kenya. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 32.1:43-58
2016 Ethnography at its Edges: Bringing In Contemporary Art. American Ethnologist. 43.4:745-751
Anthropological Studies of Photographic Practice and the Aesthetics of Disinterest. Monograph Series No. 81. Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
2014 Photography and Photo-Elicitation after Colonialism. Cultural Anthropology. 29:4
David Bowie is… (Exhibit Review). American Anthropologist. 116 (3): 653-655.
2013 Portrait Photography in a Postcolonial Age: How Beauty Tells the Truth. In Portrait Photography in Africa. Elizabeth Cameron and John Peffer,eds. (Indiana University Press)
Cine-film, Film-strips and the Devolution of Colonial Photography in The Gambia. History of Photography 34.2:147-157 (2010)
Photography, Elegance and the Aesthetics of Citizenship In Visual Sense: A Cultural Reader. Elizabeth Edwards and Kaushik Bhaumik , eds. New York: Berg Press (2008)
Gridwork: Gambian Colonial Photography. Critical Interventions: Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture 2:40-55 (2008)
Studio Photography and the Aesthetics of Citizenship in The Gambia In Sensible Objects: Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture Elizabeth Edwards, Chris Gosden, and Ruth B. Phillips, eds, 61-85. New York: Berg Press (2006)
Just Showing a Movie? Anthropology News 47(5):64 (2006)
Objects of Love and Decay: Colonial Photographs in a Postcolonial Archive. Cultural Anthropology 20(2): 249-270 (2005)
Some Notes on Posing in The Gambia. Anthropology News 46(4): 40-40. (2005)
Self and Accessory in Gambian Studio Photography. Visual Anthropology Review 16(2):71-91 (2001)