How to Give
Donations can be accepted either online with a credit card (use the buttons below) or by filling out a donor card and sending it to the JMU "Advanced Gifts & Records" office. The easiest way to give is online.
SMAD General Support Account
Account Number: 14322
The SMAD General Foundation Account is unrestricted and supports both faculty and students in the department with equipment, software, travel and professional development opportunities. It supports all of SMAD's concentrations including Converged Media, Corporate Communication, Digital Video & Cinema and Journalism. This fund provides SMAD with the greatest latitude in providing funds where there's the greatest need.
Journalism General Support Account
Account Number: 14500
This account was set up to provide general support for the journalism concentration.
Endowed Scholarships
Endowed scholarships provide a permanent ever-increasing source of income for scholarships. It will benefit students now and well into the future. The capital is held in perpetuity and invested. A portion of the interest earned is invested as well. As the fund grows, so does its yield for students. Once a minimum of $25,000 is raised, a portion of the interest earned is given to students in the form of scholarships.
SMAD Alumni/Professional Advisory Council ENDOWED Scholarships
Account Number: 25748 (Endowment Fund)
Funds raised under this account go toward creating endowed scholarships for SMAD students. Once the scholarship endowment is fully endowed at $25,000, it will provide funds annually for one or more students in the School of Media Arts & Design. The scholarships will be awarded to students in a manner determined at the discretion of the director of the School of Media Arts & Design in consultation with the Alumni/Professional Advisory Council.
Wendelken – De Luca Endowed Scholarship
Account Number: 16495 (Endowment Fund)
On behalf of the friends, alumni and faculty of James Madison University, this endowed scholarship fund has been created in honor of Dr. David Wendelken, who served the university and its journalism students for 40 years, and in memory of Albert "Flip" De Luca, who passed away in 2008 after 29 years at the university. Both individuals played a significant role in many students' lives and started them on their careers.
When the scholarship fund is fully endowed, the Wendelken-De Luca Endowed Scholarships will be presented each year to a rising junior or senior in the Journalism concentration, with a preference to students serving on the university sponsored student newspaper (The Breeze) or student magazine (Curio) staff.
SMAD General Scholarships
Account Number: 15742 (Endowment Fund)
Funds raised under this account go toward creating endowed scholarships for SMAD students. Once the scholarship endowment is fully endowed at $25,000, it will provide funds annually for one or more students in the School of Media Arts & Design.
One Day/One University Scholarship
Account Number: 25663 (Endowed)
This endowment was created to provide financial resources annually to students enrolled within the School of Media Arts and Design. To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must have a grade point average of at least 2.75 and demonstrate a commitment to media production through multimedia classes, internships, practica and other media-related work.
Neckowitz Study Abroad Scholarship
Account Number: 15609
Established to receive charitable contributions to assist with the expenses of at least one School of Media Arts & Design (SMAD) major studying abroad each year. The first priority would be students in the JMU Summer in Ireland Program. If that program were inactive, then any of the other JMU International Programs could be considered.
Sending In Your Donation
Donations can be also accepted by filling out this document and sending it to the address on the form. Please remember to specify one the SMAD scholarships listed above.