The Emerging Future Themes were developed by JMU’s president and executive leadership team, reflecting JMU’s future place within higher education. They are aspirational goals describing the university we are striving to become and ways in which we will have a positive impact in the surrounding community, nation, and the world.

The Emerging Future Themes are emerging because they reflect the collective vision of JMU’s leadership, which recognizes the need to be flexible in how we approach the future. Recent global events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the advancement of Artificial Intelligence technology are two obvious examples of societal events that have caused higher education to completely re-think our approach to educating students. Thus, these themes are meant to reflect JMU’s current vision of where we are heading, with the understanding that higher education is an adaptable enterprise. Therefore, effective long-term visioning requires the ability to change directions when necessary.

JMU’s Emerging Future Themes (developed August 2023)

  1. Enhance JMU’s Identity, Culture, and Infrastructure as a Student-Centered Research University.

  2. Lead Nationally in Integrating Civic and Community Engagement Throughout the Curriculum and Co-curriculum.

  3. Increase Access to and Affordability of JMU.

  4. Use Information and Assessment to Drive Student Success and Life-Readiness.

  5. Strengthen JMU’s Anchor Institution Role and Sense of Place.

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