Federal law requires that prior to enrolling you into a licensure program, we ensure you plan to pursue licensure and employment in a state in which our program meets those requirements (for more information, see Professional Licensure Disclosure Information page). Use the table below to determine jurisdictions in which a program Meets Requirements or Does Not Meet Requirements.


To search the table, click on the Select Program button or the State or Territory button. After you select the button, select the program or jurisdiction from the dropdown menu. The Select Program option will indicate whether a program Meets Requirements or Does Not Meet Requirements for a state or territory. In some cases, additional information is provided. The Select State or Territory option lists the status of all programs in that state or territory.

The information provided below is accurate as of the date indicated and based on the source data available at the time. Viewers are encouraged to click on the State/Territory name for more information from the jurisdiction's licensing board (if applicable).

Go to the State Authorization Home Page if you want more information about participating in education and seeking employment outside of your state or territory.  

Use the dropdown menus to select a specific program or state/territory. Or use the search box.

The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

Academic Program Review Date State Disclosure

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