Large Madison Statue at Sunset

The OLC is a formal group of faculty, staff and administrators from across the university, who meet to explore, design, and recommend innovative solutions addressing current and future challenges in online and hybrid learning. The 26-member Council includes faculty, staff, administrators and students recommended by Academic Council, Administration and Finance, Student Affairs, and others. Vice-Provost of University Programs Linda Halpern serves as an ex-officio member. Dr. Doug Hearrington, Online Learning Coordinator for JMU, chairs the Council. During this academic year, the council is working to construct a strategic plan to develp and advance online learning at JMU. 

Attendance at OLC meetings is open to all interested JMU faculty, administrators, and staff.  The Council currently meets twice monthly; times and locations vary.  If you are interested in participating in these meetings, please contact for details. 

Membership List 2019

Linda Cabe Halpern, Vice Provost for University Programs - Ex Officio
Doug Hearrington, Online Learning Coordinator, University Programs - Chair
Sarah Cheverton, Assistant Online Learning Coordinator, University Programs - Assistant Chair

Andrea Adams, Acting Associate Dean of LET
Cheri Beverly, Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
John Burgess, Interim Associate Dean of the Graduate School
David Cavazos, Associate Professor, Management
Catherine Crummett, Assistant Vice Provost for University Programs 
Drew Davis, Director of Computer Support, IT-Computing Support
Theresa Enyeart Smith, Professor, Health Sciences
Jared Featherstone, Coordinator for Writing, Learning Centers
Heydari Hossain, Professor, Comupter Science
Jessica Ham Hopkins, Assistant Director Compliance, Financial Aid & Scholarship
Dale Hulvey, Assistant Vice President, Information Technology
Rich Ingram, Assistant Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
Karen Jagiello, Coordinator for Online RN and BSN programs, Nursing Department
Liz JohnsonAssociate Professor, Geology and Environmental Science
Karina Kline-Gabel, Lecturer, Foreign Language Department
Christie Liu, Senior Instructional Designer, Library and Educational Technologies
Shawn Lough, Lecturer, College of Business
Joe Loyacano, Academic Advisor, University Advising
Sarah MacDonald, Assistant Dean, Outreach and Engagement
Joy McBride, Assistant Director, Academic Resources
Jesse  Rathgeber,  Assistant Professor,  School of Music
Tiffany Runion, Program Administrator, CFI
Valerie SchoolcraftDirector, Office of Disabilities Services
Kristi Shackelford, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Policy and Curriculum Development
Windi Turner, Director, Adult Degree Program
Michele White, University Registrar, Office of the Registrar

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