The Bachelor of Arts in Music will allow students to recognize, create, and capitalize on entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of music. It will also educate students to leverage critical thinking skills, develop discipline through the study of music to pursue a broader array of professional opportunities in music as well as other fields that require creative skills. The program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to pursue music in a formal setting while allowing them to pursue their unique interests alongside broader course offerings in the liberal arts. The Bachelor of Arts in Music prepares students to envision professional outcomes that are different than the traditional preparation for composition, performance, and music education. Through core music classes, students will attain a general level of functional musicianship sufficient to begin and sustain a professional career in the music field.
Application Steps
If you are a prospective student, please complete the steps below in the order presented to apply for the Bachelor of Arts in Music at James Madison University. Current JMU students wishing to change their major to the B.A. in Music should contact Dr. John Peterson (peter2jr@jmu.edu).
Percussionists: to manage the JMU percussion facilities, JMU's percussion equipment is reserved for percussionists who are taking lessons and are in the percussion studio. If you want to fulfill your ensemble requirement as a percussionist, you must successfully audition into the percussion studio on one of the scheduled audition days and take Applied Percussion Lessons. If you do not want to take percussion lessons or fail to audition into the percussion studio, you may fulfill the degree's ensemble requirement on another instrument which you own and play or choose to sing in a choir.
1. Submit your Undergraduate Admissions Application via the JMU Admissions Office
2. Create a Slideroom Portfolio.
As part of the application, you will be asked to upload a 5-7 minute video in which you:
- Tell us a little about yourself and your interests within and outside of music.
- Describe a musical experience that left a lasting impression on you.
- Tell us what your professional goals are: what do you want to see yourself doing after college?
You will also need to upload:
- Contact information for an optional reference
- Unofficial high school transcript
- Music resume
- Sample of relevant work (Music Industry applicants only)
All materials should be uploaded one week prior to your interview date. No items should be mailed or emailed to the School of Music.
3. *Register for an audition date, if applicable:
- November 4, 2024 (priority consideration and recommended for students applying to JMU Early Action)
- December 7, 2024 (priority consideration and recommended for students applying to JMU Early Action)
- January 25, 2025
- February 8, 2025
- February 15, 2025 (Piano applicants ONLY—audition site will be off-campus at the Wendell E. Eaton Steinway Recital Hall in Bethesda, MD).
*Any Bachelor of Arts in Music applicants interested in taking lessons in voice or on their instrument must register for an audition date. You will do this separately from your JMU Undergraduate Admissions Application using the links above. There will not be a reminder on your University Application.
For more details regarding specific instrument or vocal audition requirements, please visit our audition guidelines page.
4. Optional: attend an informal virtual meet and greet.
If you would like to chat with School of Music faculty about the program, you may sign up to attend a meet and greet session:
- In-person option: Monday, November 4, 2024 (part of Music Major Preview Day/Audition Day)
- Virtual option: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (5:00-6:00pm)
- If neither of these options work for you and you'd like to meet with our faculty, please email music_admit@jmu.edu.
NOTE ON SCHOLARSHIPS: All students who apply to the School of Music are automatically considered for a music scholarship.