Two students discussing a research presentation board
Alumni Dissertations

Building Leader Self-Efficacy in Kenyan Teenage Girls, Maureen Ottaro Malomba, Ph.D.

Small Business Recovery and Innovation after the COVID-19 Crisis: Moderated Mediation Involving Leadership Styles and Leader Data Usage, Jalal Hussain Mohammad Maqableh, Ph.D.

Technology leadership: An influence on intention to use AI-based early alert systems in higher education, Tatjana Nikolajevna Titareva, Ph.D.

Creating and Evaluation Instrument for Governing Board Chairs at Institutions of Higher Education, Kristi Leigh Shackelford, Ph.D.

Department Chair Authentic Leadership style and faculty job satisfaction among Hospitality Management faculty, Theresa L. Lind, Ph.D.

The Relationship between Leader Composure and Career Derailment Potential, and the Moderating Effect of Race, James D. Krauss, Ph.D.

Promoting Attainment: Examining the Impact of Institutional Expenditure Patterns on Graduation Rates, Matthew Lovesky, Ph.D.

The "New" Normal" A Mixed Methods Study of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Student Sense of Belonging, Hunter Swanson, Ph.D.

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