DEEP Impact Dialogues
At least once a month, The DEEP Impact program holds dialogues for students to join in intergroup dialogue around topics relating to identity, culture, and building community. Led by our student Educators using a peer-to-peer model, each dialogue includes an educational overview and several opportunities for participants to explore the topic through their own experience.
Distinct from other modes of communication and learning, dialogue is an exploratory process that invites participants to acknowledge, own, and question their beliefs, feelings, and actions - particularly when engaging across differences. We encourage participants to step out of their comfort zone to share their perspectives and engage with the viewpoints of their classmates. Dialogues typically last around an hour and a half and are open to all students.
Have any questions, or plan on attending with a large group, like a residence hall or class? Email the DEEP Impact program at deepimpact@jmu.edu to ensure that we can accommodate your group.