The James Madison University Board of Visitors met Friday, September 29, 2017, in the Board Room of Madison’s Festival Conference and Student Center.

The following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting;

  • Approved the June 1-2, 2017, Board of Visitors meeting minutes;
  • Approved committee reports from the Advancement, Athletics, Audit, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development committees;
  • Received a report on the Center for Global Engagement presented by Dr. Lee Sternberger, executive director of the Center for Global Engagement;
  • Approved the university’s six-year plan as required by the State Council on Higher Education of Virginia;
  • Approved revisions to the faculty handbook;
  • Approved a resolution requesting the state to issue bonds to construct a new residence hall and one agreeing to reimburse the state for those bonds;
  • Approved easements granting Columbia Gas and the City of Harrisonburg access to university property for utility work;
  • Met in closed session;
  • Approved the following real estate purchases:
    • 475 Eastover Drive for $230,000;
    • 1010 Forest Hills Road for $360,000. 

Was told by President Alger during his President’s Report:

  • The university received the following awards:

-       Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award – Diversity Champion;

-       NILOA 2017 Excellence in Assessment Designee and recognized for sustained excellence;

-       AASCU Community and Civic Engagement Excellence and Innovation Award;

-       Governor’s Technology Award

  • The university has created a task force to examine free speech and inclusion issues;
  • The Center for Global Engagement is working with JMU’s DACA students to provide support;
  • JMU hosted the Go Virginia region 8 meeting;
  • President Alger and SGA President Jewel Hurt have been appointed to the Governor’s Task Force on Millennial Civic Engagement;
  • The James Madison Center for Civic Engagement recently held an opening event;
  • JMU will host the Virginia chapter of Campus Compact. Rollin Johnson, Jr. will serve as executive director.


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