Native American Indigenous Awareness, Relations and Action Working Group focuses on the following objectives:

  • Calling together CFI, CVPA, Student Affairs, and any other unit on campus that has constructed a land acknowledgment statement to discuss why/how they did this work, how they use their statement, and what they hope it will achieve.
  • Consulting with Native American communities on the creation of a JMU Land Acknowledgement Statement. 
  • Consulting with the Virginia Indigenous tribes/nations, as well as Indigenous scholars who have studied Native American diaspora, to better understand what these issues mean for contemporary Indigenous communities.
  • Collaborating with Native American communities to explore curriculum, hiring, and programing at JMU. 
  • Examining interest in the creation of a Native American studies minor, which is a traditional starting point for curriculum development.
  • Examining interest in creation of a Native American studies minor, once we commit to a broader initiative.
  • Investigate with the Provost the possible creation of the position of Tribal Liaison to develop formal relationships with Native American communities and work with faculty/administration on curriculum and programming efforts at JMU.

Working Group members:

  • Carole Nash, College of Integrated Science and Engineering, Chair
  • Carlos Aleman, College of Arts and Letters
  • Ed Brantmeier, College of Education
  • Bodeene Cairdeas, Libraries
  • David Daniel, College of Health and Behavioral Studies, Emeritus
  • Ángel Garcia, College of Science and Mathematics
  • H. Gelfand, University Studies
  • Lindsey Harvell-Bowman, College of Arts and Letters
  • Laura Henigman, College of Arts and Letters
  • Gilpatrick Hornsby, Center for Faculty Innovation, Hart School
  • Scott Milliman, College of Business
  • DaNae Peterson, Student Affairs
  • Erin Phillippi, Research, Economic Development, and Innovation
  • Virginia Soenksen, Madison Art Collection
  • Brian Sullivan, Libraries
  • Catherine Zeman, College of Health and Behavioral Studies
Indigenous Perspectives

Indigenous Perspectives Posterindigenous perspectives group selfie

As the General Assembly session approached, James Madison University (JMU), Office of State Government Relations organized a legislative reception for the first time at The Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia on Feb. 6, 2024. The reception aimed to connect State Delegates, Senators, executive branch officials, and others with JMU representatives to discuss legislative and budget priorities. During the visit, guests also had access to the Indigenous Perspectives exhibition, located in the Exhibition Gallery.

Indigenous Perspectives shines a spotlight on Virginia's Indigenous history and the enduring significance of its tribal communities in the state's cultural fabric today. Dr. Malika Carter-Hoyt, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at JMU, along with other attendees, had the opportunity to engage with the exhibition and gain insights into Virginia's rich Indigenous heritage.

We encourage you to view the exhibit, which is available for viewing until August 17, 2024, Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Learn more about JMU’s relationship-building with citizens of Virginia’s eleven federally and state-recognized tribes by visiting the Indigenous Awareness, Relations and Action Working Group webpage.

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