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My Pet Protection pet insurance from Nationwide is a reimbursement indemnity plan for pets. That means we reimburse members for a portion of eligible veterinary expenses related to accidents, injuries and illnesses.* Wellness coverage is also available for routine preventive exams and services.

Premium is based on:

  • Species of pet
  • Employee ZIP code
  • Reimbursement level selected: 50% or 70% 
  • Optional wellness coverage

We accept claims from any licensed veterinarian or veterinary hospital. You can choose plans with or without wellness benefits. All plans include a $250 annual deductible and a $7500 per year maximum benefit. You can elect whether the plan will reimburse you at 50% or 70%. 

For more information, or to enroll via payroll deduction. Simply click on this URL, , or call Nationwide at (877) 738-7874 and provide your employer name.

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