Mission & Vision

Mission Statement 

Our mission is to prepare educators and leaders to thrive in a complex global environment. We engage in collaborative, transformative, and meaningful work through evidence-based practices to

  • empower all learners,
  • foster continuous growth, and
  • advocate for diversity, equity and justice


Our vision is to be a model for transforming educational landscapes into those that develop and inspire learners, educators, and leaders to effect positive, sustainable change.

Strategic Goals

Curriculum and Assessment

The College will examine curricular offerings and assessment methodology for sustainability, quality and impact.


The College will develop and participate in rigorous and meaningful accreditation activities. 

Teaching, Research and Scholarship

The College will foster faculty growth and development in the creation, acquisition, and dissemination of knowledge.


The College will advance internal, local, state, national, and global engagement activities.

Guiding Professional Standards
Accreditation & Assessment People
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Dr. Hilary Campbell

Director of Assessment, Accreditation, and Accountability

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Dr. Amy Thelk

Associate Dean of Internal Supports and Accountability

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Jeremy Li

Data Management Specialist

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