Finalize your application

Step Four: This step allows applicants to finalize their applications. 

Who needs to complete this step?

If you enrolled in courses during the fall semester and/or will be enrolled in courses during the spring semester to complete either your undergraduate degree or to complete required prerequisite courses, you will need to complete this step. 

Organize what you need before completing this step

  • You need your unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary institutions where you were enrolled, or will be enrolled, during the fall of 2024. Unofficial transcripts should show;
    • Grades for any prerequisite courses you completed in the fall AND
    • Your enrollment for any outstanding academic requirements (e.g., prerequisite courses or coursework needed to complete your baccalaureate degree) in the spring.

How to complete this step

  • Submit unofficial transcripts from any and all colleges or universities where you were either enrolled during the fall of 2024 or plan to be enrolled during the spring of 2025
  • Email these directly to the MOT Program by January 10, 2025.  Add your name and transcripts to the title of the email; e.g. James Madison’s Transcript

Important Reminder

The Occupational Therapy Program Office will be closed for the winter break beginning on December 20, 2024 and will resume operations after the New Year’s holiday. The program will not respond to emails or calls during that period. 

◄ Step Three

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