The Philosophy major is hosted in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, a department within the College of Arts & Letters.
Admission and Progression Standards
Students may add the Global Religions and Cultures major at any point during their academic career. There are no pre-requisites or application requirements. Visit the Major Snapshots site to learn more about the admission and progression standards of this major.
Description of Major
The major in Philosophy empowers students to analyze diverse worldviews and value systems. In a world that is increasingly pluralistic, ideologically driven and globally connected, skills in critical thinking are more important than ever. Our students apply this degree to a wide variety of career fields. Students choose from two concentrations: general philosophy and interdisciplinary philosophy. The interdisciplinary concentration allows students to count relevant courses in another field toward the major and is a particularly good fit for students choosing philosophy as a second major. The Global Religions and Cultures major requires 33 credit hours, including one research capstone. The Department of Philosophy and Religion also offers five minors: Christian Studies, Ethics, Global Religions and Cultures, Logic and Reasoning, and Philosophy.
Students completing this major develop the ability to think critically and rigorously, show increased capabilities for problem solving and analysis of arguments, and hone the ability to express themselves clearly, soundly, and persuasively in oral and written form. Students take courses in epistemology (e.g. How do we know what we know?), philosophy of science (e.g. Is time travel possible?), and ethics (What are the ethics involved in producing A.I. or in eating meat?), as well as many other areas of philosophical inquiry. The many skill areas in the major translate to a wide variety of meaningful and important career paths. Philosophy is a particularly valuable major for students considering careers in law. The logical analysis skills emphasized by the philosophy curriculum prepare students for the LSAT and for eventual success in law school. The Department of Philosophy and Religion also offers five minors: Christian Studies, Ethics, Global Religions and Cultures, Logic and Reasoning, and Philosophy.
More About the Field
Philosophy involves examining and questioning our most basic beliefs about the nature of reality, the course of action that is right and just for individuals and societies, what can we know about the world with certainty, what beauty is, what makes for a sound argument, and how we ought to behave. Philosophy touches upon almost every aspect of human life. Philosophy provides perspective on science, art, medicine, religion, ethics, politics and technology. Some Philosophy majors pursue careers in academics, but many graduates work in non-academic fields, including: business, data science, computer science and technology,. consulting, finance, government (local, state and federal), law, marketing, media, publishing, and political life.
The Interdisciplinary Philosophy concentration allows students to combine Philosophy with 9 hours of related course work in another department, determined in close consultation with an advisor. This makes Philosophy the perfect complement to a second major.
Complementary Majors and Minors
Many students combine this major with a second major or minor from another department. There are no limits to the second major that you might choose, but some examples follow: the Philosophy major could be enhanced with the following: Anthropology, Art History, Computer Science, Communication Studies, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, Justice Studies, Management, Management Science, Mathematics, Pre Law, Political Communication, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and Administration, Sociology, Technical and Scientific Communication, Women’s Studies or Writing and Rhetoric.
Philosophy also pairs well with any of the numerous minors offered at JMU. Students considering Philosophy as a pre-law major might be interested in the minors in Legal Studies or Logic and Reasoning. The Logic and Reasoning minor will also be of interest to students taking the Philosophy major together with a major in Computer Science or Mathematics. Philosophy courses can also count toward many other minors at JMU, including African, African American, and Diaspora Studies; American Studies; Classical Studies; Ethics; Medical Humanities; Science, Technology, and Society; and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
Characteristics of Successful Students
Most likely, your major will prepare you for not one, but for many careers over a lifetime that continue to unfold in an ever-changing global environment. Our majors have inquisitive, nimble, and disciplined minds. They welcome thinking about different perspectives, enjoy challenging themselves, and increasingly become better and better able to put themselves imaginatively into another's shoes. They read a lot and work hard on their writing. Curiosity and an intellectual spark set our students apart from many majors in other pre professional areas, qualities that sometimes give our majors a competitive edge in the job market, including in Business, Education, or STEM. This quality of intellectual nimbleness is often found in Humanities majors in the fields of Philosophy, Religion, English, Foreign Languages or History.
Many graduates choose typical career paths associated with this major. However, some graduates choose unrelated careers that utilize skills and experiences developed during their years in college. Keep in mind that some fields will require graduate study or further training. The listing below offers examples of possible career paths and is not meant to be comprehensive.
- Arbitrator
- Archivist
- Biographer
- Book Critic
- College Recruiter
- Communications Coordinator
- Community Services Director
- Consumer Advocate
- Diplomat
- Editor
- Foreign Service Officer
- Foreign Student Advisor
- Grant Writer
- Immigration Officer
- Intelligence Agent (FBI/ CIA)
- Journalist
- Lawyer
- Legal Assistant
- Legislative Aide
- Librarian
- Lobbyist
- Management Analyst
- Marketing Research Analyst
- Mediator
- Personnel Manager
- Political Activist
- Production/ Publication Planner
- Professor
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Public Administrator
- Public Relations Specialist
- Public Service Officer
- Research Assistant
- Speech Writer
- Teacher/ Educator
- Technical Writer
Who Employs Graduates?
Law Firms, Advocacy Groups, K-12 Education, Colleges and Universities, Community Service Agencies, Consulting Firms, Corporations, Court Systems, Federal & State Government Agencies, Medical Professions, Financial Institutions, Hospitals, Non Profit Agencies, Publishing Firms, Public sector and Private sector Administration, and Research Institutes.
Internships and Experiential Opportunities
Internships and other forms of individual study are available to all students who are both interested and qualified. For example, students can complete internships with community non-profit organizations, religious communities, or public agencies. Students should contact faculty coordinators in their areas of interest to gain further information.
View our list of internship coordinators for each major.
Career Profiles
Additional Resources to Research Careers
- Handshake: view new internships and jobs that employers are looking to hire JMU students from your major
- Career Outcomes: see where alumni worked or studied right after graduating.
- GoinGlobal: learn more about employment opportunities overseas as well as H1B visa information for international Dukes pursuing jobs in the U.S.
- O*NET: browse occupational profiles to learn about thousands of different careers, pulling data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
- CareerOneStop: explore thousands of different careers by looking at career profiles
- Utilize the LinkedIn Alumni tool to see what others have done with their majors and what their career paths look like. Reach out to alumni via LinkedIn and conduct an informational interview.
© University Career Center, James Madison University
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the JMU University Career Center. Content for each major has been written/reviewed by faculty in the respective department and is revised each year. Requests to update content can be submitted to career@jmu.edu.