Background checks should be submitted a minimum of 15 days prior to the Program, Event, or Camp (PEC) start date for individuals with child welfare responsibilities. Criminal background checks will include a social security number and address trace; a search of the sex offender registry; searches for county criminal and other offenses; searches for federal criminal offenses; other offenses; and, a search of the national criminal database. Refer to JMU Policy 1321: Criminal Background Checks and JMU Policy 3118: Programs, Events, and Camps Involving Minors.

Program, Event, and Camp staff follow Tier guidance as referenced to in the Office of Youth Safety Procedures Manual. If a PEC staff member does not have background check results prior to PEC start date, they must operate as a Tier III PEC staff member and can not have child welfare responsibilities.  

All Tier I and Tier II PEC staff background checks must have been processed with results within one year of the PEC start date.


How to Request Background Checks:

Requests for background checks should be sent to with PEC ID followed by Background Check Request in the subject line (example: Camp C24.5.100 – Background Check Request).  The Background Check Request Form should be completed and attached to the email request.

  • All Tier I and II PEC staff should be listed on the Background Check Request Form.  All fields are required for each person.
  • Individuals listed on the Background Check Request form will receive an email from ApplicationStation@TrueScreen with directions for completing the required check.  After the individual submits the TrueScreen requested information, the background check will be ordered and results confirmed with the PEC Director. 
  • If the individual has completed a background check, with JMU, within the one-year requirement, a new background may not be needed.  Verify with the Office of Youth Safety on confirmation process.
  • Approval shall not be authorized for registered sex offenders. Other findings will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

NOTE: Occasionally, TrueSceen emails are filtered to Spam or Junk email folders. Please regularly check your Spam or Junk email folders for any messages. Delays in processing will not be waived by the Office of Youth Safety.

Payment Information:

The supporting unit and/or hosting organization must ensure payment for background checks.  This expense should be considered when calculating program fees. Approximate cost: $25-35 per person.

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