In general, survey research is used by program review committees when the unit being studied has a broad spectrum of key customers throughout the university. These include such units as Residence Life, University Unions, University Health Center, etc. Surveys are used to:

  • Gather quantitative unit performance data
  • Measure constituent satisfaction in key areas
  • Learn key strengths and areas of needed improvement

When designing surveys, remember:

  • Use the pyramid approach - start with general questions and move to the specific
  • If you must use potentially "loaded" or negative questions, move those to the end of the survey
  • Be as specific as possible with each question
  • Think about making it easy to respond to:
    • Keep it short - five minutes to complete of less
    • Assure confidentiality and anonymity
    • Provide an initial invitation and follow-up reminder

Tips for Survey Questions

This... Is better than this...
Please rate the level of friendliness you've
experienced with the unit on the following scale.
Please rate the unit's friendliness and professionalism
on the following scale.
Do you plan to use the unit's services in the next 30 days? Will you use the unit's services in the future?
Please rank the following 5 unit services in order
based on their importance to you.
Please rank the following 15 unit services in order
based on their importance to you.
Do you know the processor in your desktop
computer? If yes, please write it in the space
Do you use the Pentium 17.6 giga-processor in your
current desktop computer?
Please rate the unit's handling of paperwork on the
following scale.
How often has the unit lost your paperwork?
Of the following choices, what do you consider the
appropriate fee for student parking on campus?
Do you think it's fair that students have to pay for
parking on campus?
How would you rate the department's apparent
commitment to your learning?
Does the department care about student learning?

The university uses the Qualtrics survey tool to conduct our program-review related surveys. If you need assistance with accessing Qualtrics or need help with your survey, please contact: Tina Grace – Office of Institutional Research (x86830).

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