Pre-PT Healthcare Experience
Many D.P.T. programs require physical therapy observation hours that can be verified by a PT. The Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) provides a summary PT Observation Hours of programs that participate in PTCAS. Observation hour requirements vary by program and some programs are more specific about the setting of experience (e.g. outpatient and inpatient) than others.
PTCAS provides instructions on reporting your PT observation and work experience in PTCAS. This includes the licensed PT you observed or worked with, facility information, experience dates and details, settings, and hours of experience. Below is a list of the type of PT settings that PTCAS utilizes, which may also help you identify healthcare locations to obtain PT observation hours or PT Aide/Technician work.
- Acute Care Hospital
- Rehabilitation/Subacute Rehabilitation Facility
- Extended Care Facility/Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility
- Free-Standing Physical Therapy or Hospital Outpatient Clinic
- School/Preschool
- Wellness/Prevention/Fitness
- Industrial/Occupational Health
- Home Health