As we look forward to a new academic year, the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion wants to take the opportunity to share our appreciation with the campus community. The 2023/24 30+30 Awareness to Action Inclusive Future Tour was an overwhelming SUCCESSand will continue into the new academic year. We couldn’t have done it without you! To further these ongoing efforts and so many others, the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion has established a dedicated DEIAB Innovation Fund to support projects that advance an innovative approach to DEIAB at JMU.
The DEIAB Innovation Fund serves to encourage campus-wide efforts that promote, enhance and celebrate diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging (DEIAB),
Selected grants will be funded between $500 and $1,000. Students, staff and faculty are eligible to apply. Requests of up to $2,000 may be considered under unique circumstances. The first deadline to apply is October 6, 2024; funds are available upon approval of the application and are to be expensed by May 30, 2025.
- Awards will provide seed funding for ideas that have the potential to catalyze long range transformative change across JMU spaces
- Priority funding consideration will be given to those who have presented sessions during the 30+30: Awareness to Action Inclusive Future Tour
- Priority will be given to ongoing efforts, as opposed to one-time events
- Proposals should describe in detail a plan for sustainability
- Projects should not be a part of existing DE&I plans
- All requests for funds must follow state spending guidelines
- Awardees must provide a summary of the project at completion, in advance of June 2, 2025.
- October 6th, 11:59PM (Eastern Time)
- November 3rd, 11:59PM (Eastern Time)
- January 12th, 11:59PM (Eastern Time
- February 9th, 11:59PM (Eastern Time)
- March 9th, 11:59PM (Eastern Time)
Send proposals via email to vpdei@jmu.edu. Please allow up to two weeks to receive a response to a proposal. Accordingly, the scheduling of your proposal’s implementation should take this timeline into consideration.
Proposals should be no longer than three pages, and must include the following:
- Name(s) and Email Address(es)
- Have you presented on this subject during the 30+30 Awareness to Action Inclusive Future Tour? If yes, please let us know. If you haven’t presented but would like to learn more, visit the tour website.
- Detailed description of proposed program/activity/initiative, including proposed date(s), time(s), location(s) and expected attendance. Proposals must include a line-item budget.
- Statement of purpose describing how and why this activity will broaden the conversation around DEIAB at JMU.
- In the interest of broadening the conversation on DEIAB, proposals should clearly address how the proposal will engage and/or be visible across programs and interests. Proposed activity must be widely publicized.
- Activities must clearly align with the JMU Strategic Priorities and contribute to creating and sustaining.
Any questions can be directed to vpdei@jmu.edu
Keeping with our new tradition, the 30+30: Awareness to Action Inclusive Future Tour will feature thought leaders (co-champion/s) leading public updates to demonstrate current levels of accessibility, belonging, equity, diversity, and inclusion activity. These sessions will celebrate the champions involved and invite information exchange to drive continuous improvement, amplifying the power of our community’s collective intelligence, expertise, and skill.
In complement, ‘Catalyst Sessions: DEIAB Innovation Fund Spotlight’ will announce and showcase the mini-grant recipients and present winners to JMU community members who would like to collaborate on winning projects. These sessions will highlight innovative projects and initiatives that received funding from the DEIAB Innovation Fund, demonstrating the tangible impact of our community's commitment to fostering an inclusive future. Registration required.
Winners will be notified in advance of the Catalyst Sessions and announced during the following specific dates and times, immediately following their application submission. These sessions will be open for public attendance.
October 22nd, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
November 19th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
February 3rd, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
February 25th, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.