Faculty and Staff Clubs are meant to encourage engagement and community among faculty & staff.
If you are interested in participating in any of these clubs, contact the person listed below.
If you would like to start a new faculty/staff club, or if you would like to promote your existing group on our page, please email Tara Torkelson – torkeltb@jmu.edu
Adult Fans of Lego (AFOL)
If you are a Master Builder, or if you have never picked up a piece, this is the group for you. We will have different building challenges, you can bring in your MOC’s (My Own Creations), or your favorite sets to show off. This group will meet periodically to get together and show off our lego skills.
Contact: Veronica Schweitzer, erbvs@jmu.edu
Did you enjoy playing badminton on the beach as a kid? Do you love playing Pickleball or other racket sports? If so, you may also enjoy playing indoor badminton which is played on the same court using the same net as Pickleball. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert badminton player, this is the group for you.
Contact: Afzal Upal, upalma@jmu.edu | David Yang, yangsx@jmu.edu | Wilson Liu, liuqx@jmu.edu
Dukes 4 Trees
Dukes 4 Trees is a group for fellow tree lovers, walkers, and nature enthusiasts. We will do tree focused walks covering different parts of campus once or twice a month, depending on the season. You may learn a new tree fact, identify a bird (or two) that call campus trees their home, meet fellow Dukes who share these similar interests and get some exercise. We can’t wait to take a walk with you!
Contact: Ali Sloop, witmanad@jmu.edu | Katie Rankin, rankinkt@jmu.edu
Foodies Read
Join us for a monthly book club where all selections will have a food-related element. From mouthwatering memoirs to tantalizing culinary mysteries, our book club promises a literary journey that tickles your taste buds.
Contact: Ashlyn Holz, holzal@jmu.edu | Leigh Ann Bowles, bowlesla@jmu.edu
JMU Green Thumb Society
This club will allow members to connect and enjoy fellowship across campus. The group will primarily function online, through Teams, in order to offer support/advice to one another, plan & participate in fun plant swaps/events throughout the year, and meet JMU community members who share your love of all things growing.
Contact: Barbara Shifflett, shifflbm@jmu.edu
JMU Water Floaters
If you love kayaking, paddleboarding, floating, or just the idea of getting in the water, this is the group for you! From beginners to experts, the JMU Water Floaters will explore the water ways of the valley in tubes, kayaks, paddleboards, or anything that will keep you afloat for several hours.
Contact: Kayla Corey, coreymx@jmu.edu
Noon Ball
Meet up with faculty and staff to play basketball. The group meets at noon on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays at UREC.
Contact: Brandon Crenshaw, crenshgb@jmu.edu
Page & Shenandoah County Faculty & Staff
Connect with other JMU staff and faculty who live in your home county! We welcome JMU staff and faculty living in Page and Shenandoah Counties to become acquaintances and share JMU with their home communities through the Page and Shenandoah County Affinity Group. Along with meeting new neighbors and friends, the group will discuss and share service projects, carpooling, and other activities.
Contact: Margaret Sloan, sloanmf@jmu.edu
This group will meet most weekdays (12:00 - 1:00pm) at UREC to play.
Join the listserv: UREC-PB_L@LISTSERV.JMU.EDU
Tennis Group
The tennis group will meet up and play sets/matches on the JMU tennis courts. This is a great way to get practice playing with different people and to challenge and improve your individual skills. Ideally, the faculty and staff that participate in this affinity group will have experience and some level of skill with tennis, as well as a passion and love for the game.
Contact: Priscilla Jones, jones2ps@jmu.edu
UNWIND is a fiber arts affinity group for members of the JMU community. We represent all skill levels and many crafts, including knitting, crochet, Tunisian crochet, cross-stitch, and more. We meet to chat and work together on our ongoing projects. No matter your experience level or your craft, join us for friendly conversation and sharing!
UNWIND meets every other Thursday from 5-7 p.m. We meet on-campus during the school year and casually in Downtown Harrisonburg through the summer.
Contact: Liana Bayne-Lin, baynelc@jmu.edu | Tanya Laffler, laffleta@jmu.edu
Walking Groups
Several walking groups have formed on campus at various times. Please reach out to the contact listed below to get the schedule for the walking group that works best for you:
5:30am | Linda Plitt Donaldson – plittdlx@jmu.edu
10:00am | Katrina Spickler – spicklkm@jmu.edu
Working Parents
Contact: Kathleen Sensabaugh, sensabkb@jmu.edu
Yoga is a lovely way to unwind, relax, or to stretch your body. Yoga is great as a standalone movement or paired with another type of workout. This group is for any yogic skill level from beginner to expert. Main communication will be through a Teams channel.
Contact: Kayla Corey, coreymx@jmu.edu